Ticketprice 10-15-18-20-25 DKR
show - 20:00 (sold out)
* Support: Defenders, Hitmakers, Sir Hendry and His Butlers, Lollipops, Peter Belli & Seven Sounds
* Songs:
I Feel Free
Steppin' Out
* Attendants: 2.000
* Recorded by the Danish Radiohouse, by Per Møller Hansen and Hans Jørgen Skov, broadcast 67.03.20.
* Press conference
Playback TV-recordings for TOP-POP program
* Songs:
Strange Brew
I'm So Glad
Ticketprice 15 DKR
show - 20:00
* Support: Defenders, Parrots, Go-Go
* Songs:
I Feel Free
I'm So Glad
+ songs from Disraeli Gear
* Attendants: 400
* Scheduled time: 30 min, actual time about 90 min
Ticketprice 15 DKR
1st show - 16:00 (sold out)
* Support: Steppeulvene, Defenders
* Attendants: 1.500
2nd show - 19:00 (sold out)
* Support: Steppeulvene, Defenders
* Attendants: 1.500
* Songs (unconfirmed order/show):
Tales Of Brave Ulysses
Sunshine Of Your Love
Sittin' On Top Of The World
Steppin' Out
I'm So Glad
Playback TV-recordings for DET VAR EN LØRDAG AFTEN [It was a Saturday Night]
* Song:
World Of Pain
Playback TV-recordings for DET VAR EN LØRDAG AFTEN
* Song:
We're Going Wrong
1st show - 20:00 (sold out)
* Support: Hansson & Karlsson, Young Flowers
* Attendants: 1.800
2nd show - 22:30 (sold out, evt. 150 unsold tickets)
* Support: Hansson & Karlsson, Young Flowers
* considered the best of the 2 shows
* Attendants: 1.800